My Perfect Day
I’ve often pictured what my perfect day would look like, but I haven’t ever written it down to the fullest. I figured it was about time.
First, I will explain the definition of a “perfect day.” A perfect day is defined with this question: If you could spend every second of your day doing exactly what you wanted to do at that second, what would that look like? That’s a perfect day.
And here’s mine:
It would be summer. I would wake up naturally at 8AM. My cat would be on my bed beside me, sleeping. I would wake up, read my devotional and my Bible in bed, and then I would head to breakfast with my family in the kitchen. We would have pancakes and fruit salad to eat, and then I would find a spot to read my books. After reading, I would work out with my mom and shower, then go out to lunch with my family. In the afternoon, I’d like to invite some of my good friends over and bake cookies – chocolate chip cookies – and then have a game day outside at a park or in the yard playing rec softball. As it gets closer to the evening, it would be fun to have a bonfire and have a cookout with s’mores afterward! Finally, I’d love to finish the day by showering (again, because smoky clothes don’t smell good!) and watching a movie with my family 🙂
That would be my perfect day 🙂
Honestly, I have multiple “perfect” days in mind, but this one is probably the best one!
If I could have more than one, my other perfect days would include the following:
- Cooking and baking all day for friends to come over later and eat it. While I’m cooking, I would listen to audios and music 🙂
- Watching multiple classical musicals in a row with my theater friends!
- Hanging out in downtown Stillwater all day with friends 🙂
- Going on a fun, all day road trip with my family and/or friends.
- Being in Italy all day, tasting their food and experiencing their culture 😀
- Fishing all day with my grandparents at their lake 🙂
- Making memories while on vacation with friends and family!
I’m sure there are others…but I won’t list them here. Honestly, doing pretty much any activity with people I love would be a perfect day for me! I’m sure you noticed the trend in my ideas above.
What about you? What’s your perfect day? Have you ever stopped to think about it? If you haven’t, you really should.
And just because I said this would be my perfect day doesn’t mean that it will ALWAYS be my perfect day. As I get older and my life goes in different directions, I’m sure it will change and morph somewhat, so don’t think of this exercise as being a permanent thing!
But dream big, and visualize often. There is power in visualization 🙂
Until next time,
Hope Frances

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