

Today I decided to take a stab at one of those cooking time lapse things you see everywhere on the internet.  I did this for two reasons:

  1. I have always wanted to try it.
  2. I wanted to be creative and make a video 🙂


Who DOESN’T love pancakes?

I do…and I have a MAJOR sweet tooth.  So….I kind of took an idea from Blogilates (a VERY basic idea) and changed it into a recipe I make all of the time.  It’s relatively easy to make, and somewhat healthy if you’re in to that kind of thing (which I try to be). 😉

(I am in no way endorsing the Blogilates lady…if you visit her site, be warned that she is EXTREMELY sanguine!!!)

Here are the ingredients I used today:

  • 1 package of applesauce (3 or 4 oz. ?)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 oats
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon skim milk (or whatever milk you want)
  • 1 spoonful Chobani yogurt (any flavor that suits you…I used vanilla)
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup wheat flour (or any kind of flour)

These pancakes are super good (in my opinion) and SUPER easy to make (also in my opinion).  I’m sure there are ways to make it healthier….But whatever.  You can leave out stuff if you don’t happen to have it…like if I don’t have any applesauce I use extra milk, or if I don’t have yogurt I just leave it out.  Sometimes I add a tablespoon of brown sugar…etc.  You can have fun with it.  Something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but haven’t yet, is cut up some apples into small pieces and put that in the batter 🙂  Or maybe used banana and some peanut butter or pumpkin instead of applesauce!

Lesson 4: Be creative and make things YOUR OWN!!!

Be creative!  You don’t have to add the spices I added if you don’t like them, and you can add things I didn’t!  Get outside the box and HAVE FUN!!!  That’s what I love most about cooking and baking: you get to be super creative and other people get to enjoy your efforts.  In a way, cooking is a medium of art.  It’s edible art 🙂  So get your creative cap on and start cooking!  You’ll never get better if you don’t try!

More importantly, don’t accept things as they are…investigate and see if you can’t make it better.  Not just in cooking…IN EVERYTHING!  Make it YOU.  Add the creative spin God gave to you specifically and make things shine!  You are unique!  Use your gifts and talents to show the world His awesomeness! 🙂


Shout out to Krista Davis!  She’s inspired me to cook and not be afraid of what happens.  She is known for finding random things in her cupboard and making something absolutely FANTASTIC out of it!  And…It’s usually healthy too!  Thanks Krista!


Until next time,

Hope Frances