
The Difference Between Character and Integrity – Does it Even Matter?

Character and integrity.  People seem to use these terms interchangeably.

The only trouble is, they’re not the same thing.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re pretty similar, but there’s one key difference.  Why is this important to me?  Well, let me explain the difference between the two, and then I’ll tell you why.

I do have to lay out a disclaimer here – I got the following example from top leadership expert (he’s ranked number 20 on Inc. magazine’s top 50 leadership and management experts), Orrin Woodward.

Imagine your child came home from school and told you a sad story about how a bunch of other kids at school were picking on, and making fun of a little boy named John.  After relaying this tale, your child puffs out his chest and says,

“But I didn’t do it, Daddy.  I didn’t make fun of John!”

Naturally, you should be extremely proud of your child.  He has exemplified INTEGRITY.  He refused to do the wrong thing.  Good for him!

That’s integrity.  You don’t join in and steal office supplies from work, you refuse to lie and say your child is 11 so she can eat off of the kids’ menu, you refuse to do the wrong thing.

Sadly, integrity is poorly lacking in our country today.  Lying, and small, seemingly harmless thefts, are commonplace in our society.  However, even more scarce are men and women of character.  Let me explain.

Imagine that once again, your child comes home from school and tells you the same story of the bullies at school who were picking on and making fun of John.  HOWEVER, this time, you notice that your child has a black eye.  Worry may start to creep into your head until you hear your child say,

“But I STOPPED them, Daddy.  I stood up for John and I did something about it.  They won’t bother him again.”

The pride you have in your heart may not be able to be contained.

You see, integrity is recognizing a behavior that’s wrong and not joining in, and then character is DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

It’s seeing that people are being hurt and taking a stand.

It’s knowing that people are starving and volunteering to help save a life.

It’s noticing a friend is being dishonest and gently, but firmly, confronting him.

It’s realizing that children are being bought and sold into slavery and doing something about it.

The difference between integrity and character is ACTION.  And oftentimes, that action will not be popular among others.

It’s hard.  Really hard.  You may have to make sacrifices that you wouldn’t normally make, you might receive verbal (sometimes even physical) blows, you might get beaten yourself if you choose to stand up for the helpless and stand up to injustices of all kinds, but you know deep down that it’s right.  If you don’t understand why I’m so passionate about this, then you’ve never found a cause you truely care about.  You’ve never seen an injustice that just fills you with righteous anger and a burning desire to DO SOMETHING.  


FIND ONE, and you’ll find more to fight for!

SO…is it easy?  In no way.  Not a chance.  But a life worth living rarely is.


Will you stand idly by and let the little things in life slip you by until they become big things you never thought were possible?  Or will you choose to have first integrity (know what’s wrong) and then the character (doing something about it) to make a difference?

I don’t know about you or what you will choose, and I’m in no way perfect at all, but I say SHAME ON ME if I EVER pass up an opportunity to take a stand!  

It’s time for Americans, and the world, to put aside their fear and start taking ACTION.

Until next time,

Hope Frances



One Comment

  • Tina Raz

    Great post, Hope! You are a great communicator of your thoughts in words! Nicely done!