
5 Things First Time Movers Need to Know

First off, I wanted to apologize for not posting last Thursday (7 days since my last post).  I just moved to a new state on my own for the first time, so things have been hectic!

That said, I wanted to talk about what it’s like to move out of your parents’ house to a new state for the first time.  There are a lot of things you really don’t think about until you’re in a situation that makes you think about it…. 🙂

First, you have to pay for your own stuff.  I knew this going in, but I didn’t realize all of the things I take for granted!  Little things such as paper towels, lamps, scissors, silverware, hangers, and more are a bigger part of your life than you realize.

Second, if you want to make sure you get the best deals, find people who know that area and are willing to show you around.  Jeff and Karen Helfter have done that for me where I moved to.  They know where to find inexpensive restaurants, which stores have the best stuff, where is the best place to live, and how to utilize public transportation.  They have truly been a Godsend for me and my family in the last few weeks!

So, if you are considering moving to a new state (or city, or moving out to live on your own), here is a checklist for ya:

  1. Research the area and find out how people get places (cars or public transportation). Once you figure this out, calculate how much to budget for.
  2. Find someone to stay with until you figure out where to live.  It’s easier to pick out a place when you are able to physically go there.  DO NOT rely on internet pictures!
  3. Do all of your food shopping and home accessory shopping in one or two days (the weekend is a great time if you’re okay with the crowds), and do it after you arrive and figure out where to live.  I just like to get it all out of the way and enjoy spending time with other people.
  4. Bring as much from your old home as you possibly can 🙂
  5. Ask for help and use your resources.  My parents helped out a TON with figuring things out and making sure everything was going okay.  And as I mentioned earlier, our family friends have continued to be a huge help!

I’m sure I’ll think of more later…I’ve only lived here for one week.  It still doesn’t feel real 🙂

Although moving can be scary, it’s also an opportunity to grow.  I know that I am going to learn so much from this experience, and I am excited to see where God takes me!



Hope Szymanski


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash