
Top 8 Differences Between Minnesota and San Francisco

If you read my post from last week, you would know that I moved across the country for my Praxis apprenticeship (from Minnesota to San Francisco).

While I’ve only been here a few weeks, there are a few key differences between where I used to live and where I live now.  The following observations come from a Minnesotan who has never lived anywhere else besides Minnesota until now, and they appear in no particular order (that was my attempt at an official disclaimer).

  1. People bring their dogs into Target (and other stores).  I mean, why?  I can almost guarantee you your dog won’t die if you leave it at home for the hour you’re at Target.  Where I’m from, people don’t bring their pets into grocery stores.  Their kids, yes.  Dogs?  Nope.  Actually, I’m beginning to think it’s more normal here to bring your dog to the store instead of your kids.
  2. People do not drive into the city.  I don’t actually live in San Francisco, I live a little ways outside of it.  However, I do not drive into the city because there isn’t really anywhere to park and traffic is disgusting – no matter what time it is.  People take the train or the bus to get around in the city.  In Minneapolis, it is much more common to see parking garages and people parking on the street.
  3. The buildings are so much taller here.  The Twin Cities have some tall buildings, but the buildings here are about two to three times as tall.  It’s pretty amazing!  Also, I feel like the streets are cleaner here… There’s less trash.  But I guess it just depends on what part of the Twin Cities you go to.
  4. It’s warmer here.  For the first time in my life, I am excited for winter!  To be fair, I have been “warned” that it can sometimes get down to 40 degrees here…What?  That’s not cold people.  Cold is -15 degrees where your hair freezes when you walk outside because it’s still a little damp from your shower.  THAT’S cold.  I look forward to not freezing to death this winter 🙂
  5. There are palm trees here!  They are very pretty 🙂  There are also some beautiful flowers I don’t recognize from home too.
  6. San Francisco drivers are much less patient and they get rather annoyed when I drive the speed limit.
  7. Trader Joe’s is awesome.  I have been to Trader Joe’s in Minnesota, but living here, it’s become a staple.  I am constantly amazed at their low prices and good quality food.  Unfortunately, I can only get food there…No cooking or cleaning stuff.  But the food will suffice.
  8. People just about have heart attacks when it rains.  Now, it hasn’t rained yet while I’ve been here, but I’ve been told that Californians lose their minds over rain.  Like, if it’s raining, people stay inside, stock up on food, and hunker down.  Seriously?  It’s just rain… I mean, if there’s a monsoon, I get it.  But in Minnesota, if it SNOWS 6 inches we still go places, and snow is slippery.  There was a flat-out BLIZZARD in APRIL last spring and we still went places (18 inches of snow)!  It’s all perspective I guess.

There are probably more differences I will discover while I’m here…so stay tuned for that.  But for now, that’s it.

Probably the biggest thing I’m struggling with is missing my family and friends back home, but it’s not forever and it’ll be okay.  I am thankful for video chats and phone calls 🙂

It’s been pretty fun trying to figure out this new culture.  I guess every state and region has its own little quirks, but because we’re so focused on ourselves and our own lives, we just assume everyone is just like us.  Nope.  Take the time to get out of your own little bubble, and you’ll discover so many amazing things.


Until next time,

Hope Frances

One Comment

  • meema

    Great article Hope. Having lived in South Carolina and Arizona, I have noticed a lot of differences. Never good, never bad, just different. . Miss you…………..