Untitled Novel…PART 2 :)
I’ve been thinking a lot about the plot line of the novel I started about a week ago, and I’ve decided to continue writing it! Hopefully you liked the first “chapter.”
Here is “chapter 2.”
I hope you like it… 🙂
Katrina’s eyelids felt incredibly heavy, and her brain felt like it was full of water, sloshing around and keeping her from being able to comprehend anything. But one thing was certain – the pain in her head was gone, and the voices had ceased. For that, Katrina was extremely thankful. She had the sensation of floating through the deepest ocean, and it was the most comforting thing she had ever experienced. Unfortunately, it was short lived. “Welcome home, F-1104.” The cold voice shot shudders up Katrina’s spine. It was The Voice. The one voice that had spoken to her long ago before the woods. “Do not fear. We have rescued you. You’re safe now.” Katrina tried to scream but couldn’t. The panic from before was quickly rising and intensifying as she realized she couldn’t move her arms or legs, nor open her eyes. A sharp jab in her upper arm brought her into unconsciousness once more, but not before she felt a burning sensation on the top of her right hand.
A constant beeping noise awoke Katrina from her sleep as she slowly opened her eyes. The room she was in was white and smelled sterile, and upon looking down at herself, she could see she was lying on a white bed with straps on her arms and legs. Tubes ran from her arms to a nearby machine, and the machine caused the beeping. Fear started to rise in Katrina’s heart. Her head felt dizzy and her hand was throbbing. Glancing down, Katrina could just make out a burn mark on the top of her right hand. She started breathing heavily as she realized she was trapped. Katrina vaguely remembered that there was a reason for her being here, and that reason went way beyond being kidnapped in the woods. There was a deeper meaning – a very special and important reason. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t remember what it was and it was maddening.
A sudden noise of a door opening directly behind her caused Katrina’s train of thought to end abruptly. She stiffened in fear and strained her ears to know what was going on. Slowly, the door creaked open and Katrina heard footsteps approaching around her right side.
What had she expected to see? A warrior? Someone with a knife to kill her? Katrina didn’t exactly know, but the young dark-haired nurse who appeared at her bedside was definitely not any of those. Katrina trembled, not because she feared the nurse, but because she felt like something horrible was going to happen. Peculiarly, the nurse did not so much as smile or even glance at Katrina. She simply pushed some buttons on the machine, unhooked Katrina’s arm from it, and left. Katrina followed the nurse’s footsteps with her ears until they had disappeared.
Katrina felt a stab of panic go through her that quickly passed as the straps holding her down quickly and efficiently retracted themselves, freeing her. After waiting a few seconds to make sure nothing else would happen, she cautiously sat up and evaluated the dizziness in her head, which was thankfully absent. Instantly, she was reminded of the throbbing pain in her hand, and upon examination, discovered a brand mark on the back of it. The mere sight of it sent chills up Katrina’s back yet again, but she couldn’t understand why. She only knew that the curly cue letter “C” burned into her flesh represented evil things.
Something hung loosely around Katrina’s neck. She looked down and discovered that her clothing had been replaced with white pants and a white tunic with the same “C” insignia that was burned on her hand on one sleeve and the number F-1104 on the other. The only thing that she still had from the nightmare of the woods was her pendant with her name on it. The clothes gave Katrina a rather bad feeling, but the pendant represented good things…Things she could unfortunately no longer put into words, but she was sure she had known what they were once – before the woods.
Without thinking any more about it, Katrina slid off the bed and observed her surroundings. She appeared to be in a ten-foot by ten-foot white room without doors or windows. This greatly puzzled her, since there seemed to be no other way the nurse could have come into the room. Once Katrina was about five feet away from the bed, it sunk into the ground and was no more – just as suddenly as the straps had been removed from Katrina’s bed. She blinked. The ground showed no sign of there ever being a bed there before.
She didn’t even realize she was backing away until she bumped into one of the four walls. Whirling around, Katrina saw her reflection in it.
“That’s strange…” She mused. “It must be made out of some kind of plastic or something…” Slowly, Katrina reached her hand up to touch the surface. The very instant her fingers grazed the wall, she was swept off of her feet by a great wind that was suddenly encircling the entire room. Katrina flattened herself against the ground and covered her head.
For what seemed like thirty seconds, the wind continued to howl and pick up speed and then, without warning, it stopped. Breathing heavily, Katrina lifted her head to see a glass tube extending from the ceiling to the ground. Noiselessly, part of the glass slid to the side creating an opening. The tube lit up green and seemed to beckon her to enter. Katrina shuddered.
Suddenly, Katrina knew she was supposed to step inside. Even though she felt like something bad was going to happen, she knew she needed to. The word “mission” kept pushing its way up to the forefront of her mind as she bravely stepped closer and closer to the glass door. She took a deep breath, and entered.
Well, there you have it. I’m really hoping I can continue to write this story…Obviously, if I ever publish it I’ll have to do some re-writing and some editing…but this is the semi-edited rough draft!
Thanks for reading my story 🙂
Until next time,
Hope Frances.

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