
Stop Being Afraid and Start Making a Difference

According to the Washington Post, the top fear of all Americans is public speaking.

What?  Even more than death?  Yup.  Statistically speaking, the average person would rather die than speak in front of people.

Really?  If you think about it, that’s just downright embarrassing.  What are we afraid of REALLY?

What people think of us.  That’s it.  What will they think?  Will they like the material, or will they get bored and fall asleep?  What if I say something dumb?

Honestly?  Who cares?

I’m serious!  Who cares if they like what you said?  What happens if they don’t?

Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

And yes, I know I’m taking an emotional subject and looking at it from a logical perspective, but I still think this applies.  And it’s not just public speaking, we’re afraid to do lots of different things because of what others may think of us.  For example, singing or acting in front of people, volunteering to lead a group prayer, playing sports, learning a new skill, you name it.  What does it all come down to?  We’re afraid to step outside of our comfort zone.


Because it’s scary.  It’s called a “comfort zone” for a reason.

We would much rather stay in our comfortable little bubbles than do something that requires stepping outside of it.  But what happens when you face a level 5 problem and your comfort zone is only capable of handling a level 3 problem?  Personally, I get anxious and start stressing out, and it’s so overwhelming.  I would be willing to guess that most people feel the same way.  However, I think the phrase, “step outside of your comfort zone” isn’t entirely correct.  It’s almost like “stepping out” implies that once the problem is solved, we should step back into our comfort zones, and therefore, they never grow.

Instead, I like to say the following: expand your comfort zone and never go back.

Expanding your comfort zone enables you to tackle bigger things, stay calm, and handle more than you used to.  It allows you to achieve more and be more than you could have before.  Trust me, there are opportunities that will open up to you as a result of expanding your comfort zone that never would have come otherwise.

Notice I also said, “never go back.”  I say that because I believe it is possible to have a stale comfort zone.  If you don’t continuously stretch yourself and expand your comfort zone, it could shrink back or you could become unaccustomed to continue expanding it.  Although, if your comfort zone shrinks, it is a lot easier to re-expand it than it was to initially expand it.  That said, you don’t want your comfort zone to go stale.  A stale comfort zone isn’t growing, and it isn’t helping you achieve what you were made to achieve.

In essence, your comfort zone should be a living, growing thing, constantly growing to cover more and more ground.  Is stepping outside your little circle and stretching it easy?

No way.

Isn’t it scary, even terrifying?


But is it worth it?

Without a doubt.

You were made to change the world.  The Lord didn’t put you on this earth to live a normal life.  He has called you to rise up and touch people’s lives – to bless people, challenge ideas, fight for freedom and your family, and make a difference in other peoples’ lives.

There are people out there that only you can touch.  People who relate to you and are hoping and praying for you to step into their lives.

You have so much potential – you need only expand your comfort zone to find it.


Until next time,

Hope Frances



Photo by Leio McLaren (@leiomclaren) on Unsplash