Songs I Like Listening to Over and Over :)
Today I am going to share my favorite songs I enjoy listening to over and over again! Don’t ask me why…I’m not sure why I enjoy some of them, but I will try to explain my choices as best as I can 🙂
So, in no particular order…Here you go!
WaveWalker by Citizen Way
I like this song because it pumps me up 😉 Woo hoo!
Alligator Sky by Owl City
I like this song because I like the beat. I don’t really know what it’s about.
Fiji Water by Owl City
I enjoy listening to this song mainly because it has a good beat. I literally have no idea what it’s about. Don’t judge.
Impossible by Building 429
Another pump up song! Love it!
Good Time by Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
I listened to this song a lot when I was in a show last year so it brings back memories of that time. Also, it’s a great pump up song to make you feel awesome!
Until next time,
Hope Frances

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