
Prioritize Your LIFE!!!

OK….So it’s midnight (almost 1:00 AM) and I feel like I need to blog because I don’t really want to go more than one day without blogging this month.

There is a reason I did not blog yesterday, but I’ll probably blog about that tomorrow.

Tonight (or this morning I guess), is blog post number 6 I believe.  Just for fun, I’m going to look back at my calendar and see what I was doing exactly a year ago on this day – Thursday, September 15th, 2016.

1 minute later…..

Well…that was super boring.  For some reason, there is no data in my calendar going back a year ago which is strange because we’ve used Google Calendar for approximately 3 or 4 years now.  Huh….Oh well.  It was a Thursday in September which probably means during the day I was at co-op with my brother and then later I was at rehearsal for CB Productions’ Emma.  It was one of the first rehearsals I’d ever been to, and I was just getting to know the people.  Little did I know these people would become some of my best friends in less than a year.

Honestly, I can’t think of another group of people quite like CB Productions (except Life Company!).  They are just so encouraging, uplifting, amazing, and FUN!  I feel so much closer with most of them than I do with people I’ve known for a really long time.  You (almost) literally become family.

After a few months of rehearsal, we moved into the performance space and started rehearsing with the set, lights, and stage.  This week long process is called tech week and when I say it literally becomes your life, I am not joking.  Tech week is one of the most stressful and exhilarating times you will ever have in your life (if you do theatre).  You wake up, do as much homework as possible before leaving, go to the theater for 6 hours, and then go home and do more homework until midnight at the least.  And then…REPEAT.  But once you get through it, you know you can do pretty much anything work related under pressure.  I don’t know about you, but when life gets crazy, my professors didn’t let me take a break from school, and I’m assuming that’s how it is with a full time job as well 😉

You CAN do it, you just have to prioritize.  I guess that’s the point (took me long enough to get there didn’t it?  That’s what happens at 1 in the morning….)

Lesson 5: If you prioritize, everything that is important WILL get done!

I’m not kidding.  It’s like magic!  Whenever I do the most important things first, I always have time for the fun stuff!  On the other hand, when I procrastinate, I don’t always get to the important tasks.  It’s WEIRD and COOL at the same time.  For instance, I could have a list of things to do, and if I do the important things first, everything gets done.  But if I do the lesser things first, not everything gets taken care of.  Like I said – Magic.  Same list of things, but different order equals different results.

So prioritize!  Make sure you’re doing the more important tasks FIRST THING!  If you do this, everything else will fall into place!  Try it….Life is way more fun that way 🙂

Okay…I’m super tired…

Until next time,

Hope Frances