
My Top 5 Favorite Summer Foods

I know…winter doesn’t seem to be wanting to let go of us (I live in the Northern states).

I mean, come on!  It’s SPRING!  It’s APRIL!  But there’s a ton of snow on the ground.  Yuck.

So that’s why I writing a short post on my favorite foods to eat in the summer…so I can pretend it came already 😉

1 – Watermelon

Mmmm!  Watermelon is awesome when it’s ripe!  I could read and eat watermelon for hours!  Such a wonderful summertime snack 🙂  It goes well with grill outs too!

2 – Ice Cream

Who doesn’t like a nice, cool ice cream cone on a hot summer day?  I also enjoy Blizzards from Dairy Queen with my family or Cherry Berry with friends!

3 – Grilled Food

Pretty much any type of burger, hot dog, bratwurst, pork, or vegetable is amazingly delicious to me!  It’s best when you make a meal out of it and then have s’mores over the fire afterward 😛

4 – Grapes

I’m a fruit-lover…what can I say?  Grapes are good all year round, but I like them more in the summer because I think they are more in season where I live.  Plus, they’re easy to pack and bring with you for an on-the-go snack!

5 – Cherries

I love cherries!  And again, they are mostly in season during the summer where I live, so it works out better that way.  And the pits are easier to get rid of if you can eat the cherries outside, so summer is really the best time to eat them.


These are not in any particular order, just so you know.  Also, I just realized that I really like a lot of fruits…huh.  I guess I knew that, but I know it a lot more now.  Ha!


Until next time,

Hope Frances