
When You Don’t Know What to Write for Your Very First Post on Your Very First Blog

Well, I decided to start a blog so naturally I should probably post an article.  I guess I should also make a habit of blogging regularly.  Huh.  Funny how that works…..  Well, this is my first blog post!  Congratulations on reading my first article on my first blog ever – if you can call it that yet.

The first thing I needed to decide was whether or not my blog would have a theme.  Would I only write about health and fitness?  Maybe I should write exclusively about sports or theater, or maybe it would be best to keep the blog only to the topic of books I’ve read and my thoughts on them.  Would it be like a public diary for me to voice my thoughts and life online?  Would I post videos, pictures, text, or some combination of those three?

Actually, I didn’t really think about all those things, but it makes me seem more organized and on top of things if I say I did.  And hey, maybe I did think about those possibilities for a split second.  Maybe.


After thinking long and hard for about five minutes, I decided to make this blog a place for me to explore my writing style and post whatever I was in the mood to post (within reason, obviously).  I want it to be a fun place for me to talk about serious, and not so serious topics.  I want people who read this blog (if anyone ever ends up reading it) to enjoy reading the articles, thoughts, and stories I post, and I want people to enjoy watching the videos and other things I post.


This blog will be a place where I will post about a variety of things.  My life, my work, my observations, my talents. my stories, and my lessons.  My hope is that I neverdevelop one of those writing styles where people get done reading a post and say,

“That was a great article!  And you know?  I think I would have enjoyed it much more if I hadn’t fallen asleep halfway through!”


I hope my personality gets through in my writing.  Formal writing has its place, and I will probably be doing some of that as well (hopefully not boring formal writing…There is a difference, but that’s another post for another time).  However, I want some of this fun writing to make an appearance in this blog just as often, if not more often, than the formal stuff.


For not knowing what to write for my first post, I sure had a lot to say…… 🙂

I guess that’s Lesson #1 of this blog:

You GET inspired when you just START.

So START!!!  DO SOMETHING!!!  Don’t just sit around and wait for inspiration….FIND IT!  Don’t know what you should read first?  JUST START reading something!  Need to decide what you should do with your weekend, your month, your year, or you know…..your life?  JUST START doing something!  Something productive!  And well, you get the pattern.  If you just start, you will be moving toward something, and that’s better then sitting around doing nothing, and getting nowhere.  It’s what I’ve been doing with my life recently….but again, another article for another time.  Obviously, I don’t recommend that you “just start” robbing banks to better your dire financial situation, or “just start” doing anything illegal.  You know what I mean, so don’t twist it.  You can do it.  You are capable.  God has enabled you to do great things, so just start doing something and listen for His guidance.  I think you’ll be amazed at what happens next.

SO, thanks again for reading my blog 🙂

Until next time,

Hope Frances