2020 Recap – My Year In Review
Well, we did it everyone. 2020 is pretty much over. Now we can go back to our normal lives – all the problems of the year will instantly vanish once the clock strikes midnight.
It seems that everyone thinks that once we can start saying “it’s 2021” that all our issues will be resolved…but that’s not really the case, is it? One day doesn’t make a difference.
Now I’m not here to crush everyone’s spirits and broadcast doom and gloom, but I think it’s important to note that just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean things will magically get better. The point is, your view on life – where you are, how you handle things, and where your hope is found – is largely dependent on you and your thinking. Your attitude.
And if it’s a choice, then why not choose to start today? Why wait until January 1st, 2021? Any day could be your “magic day” if you choose for it to be. You don’t have to wait for a certain date on the calendar to make it a good day. I’m not saying it’s easy.
Quite the opposite. It might be incredibly difficult.
I’m just saying it’s a choice. One that I need to force myself to make sometimes š
With that said, a lot happened to me in 2020. I probably took more plane trips than any other year, ironically. I also spent a lot of time inside (as did many of us, I’m assuming). Here’s my 2020 in review:
I took a trip out West to start my new year, then came back to hangout with my awesome roommate, Samantha Clarkson! We got high on caffeine, and also bought a fish in a snowstorm. It was pretty fun š
You can listen to that story on our podcast (see below).
I won a contest at work, took a trip to Virginia, and Samantha’s sister came out to visit us! We took her to the Mall of America and swing dancing – it was super fun! We went swing dancing every Thursday night, introducing new people to the scene and learning more and more from others who invited us in the first place š
I took another trip out West, and the Corona Virus hit. Suddenly, everyone was wearing masks and telling me I was gonna drop dead if I walked into a Walmart without one on. We got banished from our work office and started working from home full time (which, to be honest, was pretty awesome at first). Cold calling at home all day every day gets tiring though, and I started to miss the office. Also, surprisingly, people don’t really take well to salespeople calling them in the middle of a pandemic. Who knew?
Easter!!! And MORE working from home. I also came home from a trip and had to quarantine in my apartment for 2 weeks. But it’s okay because I got to have my cat with me! There was much video footage of myself just talking to…um…me and my cat. Pretty entertaining if I do say so myself.
Summer finally started to come! I was reunited with Samantha after several months apart, and there was even more working from home. 2 weeks of quarantine had turned into 3 months and counting. Super fun. Except not. Honestly though, I was excited to have the flexibility, although I got bored of dressing up in sweatpants and leggings every day for work. My boss considered it a monumental event when I turned my camera on because I hardly ever did….ha.
We (Samantha and I) also, I’m pretty sure, started our podcast at this time as well. It was originally called “What School Doesn’t Teach You” but is now called “Tidbits Of Truth.”
SUMMER! I got a haircut, and went on another trip! Lots of swimming, walking, and just enjoying the warmth of summer. I also quit my job at Dispatch to work at a startup called Digifox as Head of Operations. It was a slightly scary leap, but totally worth it in the end and I am very happy where I am now š
Near the end of June and the beginning of July, I went with Samantha to Maine to visit her family. We saw the ocean, ate the best sushi, went swimming, played tennis, went on a boat trip, and all around had a great time š Lots of good food and fun times!
Samantha and I started taking some trips. First – a trip to Mankato, MN. We stopped at the Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store on the way (because duh) and purchased some soda for the ride. There, we stayed in a sketchy hotel and explored the city. We found this super cute coffee shop and spent most of our time there – working and drinking coffee. Second trip was to Duluth, MN! Shout out to the Portland Malt Shoppe š The water and scenery were super pretty, and we even drove up to the black sand beach, got caught in a rainstorm, and went on adventure to a waterfall on the way home. Lots of driving, but tons of fun nonetheless š
Near the end of August, my dear friend, Elizabeth Beeli, came out to MN to visit me! We went to the lake, did a photoshoot, made egg rolls, binge-listened to Hamilton, and so much more! Lots of laughs and good times – love her!
I turned 22! Samantha and I had a fun time together on my birthday watching Fiddler On The Roof and eating Doordash food. I started going to the gym every day, and had a lot of fun doing it. We also went to the lake a couple more times before the dock came out for the winter š
My mom and I also went and got pedicures together – such fun mother-daughter time!
My friends, family, and I ran a fundraiser for Operation Underground Railroad – Fighting Traffic to End Human Trafficking! We raised a little over $6,000 for the cause and had a lot of fun doing it. Basically, we drove around the 494/694 loop for 48 hours straight. And by “we,” I mean mostly my awesome dad š
I also decided I was a hermit so I joined a Bible study that got shut down after about a month because of the second lockdown. Yay…. lol. Luckily, I was able to meet some new friends before it was shut down!
Went to an apologetics conference, and also took another road trip with none other than my awesome roommate – Samantha! We traveled across the country to New York for work, ate some good food, met up with our co-workers, and then I flew home by myself while Sam traversed onward to Maine.
Last day of December today! This month was spent working, hanging out with awesome friends and family, meeting new people, and generally enjoying life. We even snuck some swing dancing in even though all the dancing places are closed down š
What Have I Learned This Year?
I’ve learned that no matter what happens, God is always in control. There were some significant ups and downs in my life this year that I won’t go into now, but they put my trust in God to the test. I realized that the hard times really do bring you nearer to God, because you’re not able to turn to anyone else. This also means I need to run even harder after the Lord in the good times, because that’s when it’s tempting to be arrogant and think you have it all together.
God doesn’t want to be put on your shelf. He doesn’t want to be around only when things are hard for you – he wants to be with you in the happy times too. God does not desire to be your crutch, he wants to be by your side no matter what. I think we hear a lot about how God wants to be with us and for us in the hard times – that message is hammered into our heads at church every week. But just as much as he wants to be a part of your life in difficult seasons, God wants to enjoy life with you when things are going extraordinarily well too. He desires to share your joy, as much as your heartache.
I’ve also realized more than ever that life is short…and you have no idea whose life you will impact or how long people will be in your life. It has challenged me to ask the question every day:
“Am I doing everything I can to be a light to others today? Am I making good use of the day God has given me?”
That’s my challenge to myself for 2021, and beyond.
Love you all! Super excited for what God has for us in 2021 š
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Happy New Year!