She Named It Feather…
Hello everyone!
This post WILL have a point – even though it won’t seem like it throughout this first part, so keep reading! 🙂 I am simply illustrating a point through a story:
For the longest time, my sister, Rose, had wanted a chicken. Don’t ask me why.
Anyway, in the summer of 2017, she got serious and started researching different breeds of chickens and various chicken coops. Then she starting planning how she was going to build a coop (saying my brother, Sam, would build all of it) and how many baby chicks she would be able to raise.
As would be expected, my parents didn’t really pay much attention to her. And why should they? We live in the suburbs where chickens aren’t normally raised. Granted, we do live in an area of the suburbs that could be considered the country on some terms, but it’s still not farm country. However, my parents, being very encouraging and not ones to tell their children that their dreams are impossible, encouraged Rose to consider all the logistics. How many chickens did she want? Who would take care of them? How big did the coop need to be? Where would we put it? Etc.
After about a week’s worth of this, everyone in the family thought Rose had lost interest. Well, she stopped looking at pictures of chickens online or talking about getting a whole flock. I do seem to remember that she enjoyed getting to see chickens and wouldn’t object to holding them though.
A month after that, a friend of ours, who lives on a farm, told my dad he was bringing Rose a baby chick the next day for her birthday. For some reason, my dad said it would be okay.
So, the next day, Rose got a chick! She was so excited, and she immediately ran over to our family I-pad and pulled up about 20 pictures of chickens and chicken coops she had saved! We all laughed so hard. I guess she HADN’T lost interest!
And she named it “Feather.”
Here’s my point (finally):
You get what you picture!
If you think that’s a stretch, hear me out.
Your sub-conscience mind is a super powerful thing! If you are able to put a picture in your mind’s eye of what you really want – whether it be a new home, a new car, a wonderful relationship with your family, a certain amount of money, security, travel, or a chicken 🙂 – your conscious mind will figure out a way to get it (I wrote about this when I reviewed Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich).
That’s why it’s always important to have a dream. If you’re not moving forward in life, you don’t have a big enough dream for your future. Your future picture is what drives you onward when it’s hard, or when you want to give up. Without it, it’s easy to justify failure in your head – “well, I didn’t really want to do it THAT badly…”
Think of exercising.
You work out and eat right because you want to be fit. Why else would you put yourself through a hard cardio routine? Sure, once it’s a habit, working out can be fun, but at first? No way.
If you don’t have a big enough reason WHY you’ll never have a reason to do ANYTHING worthwhile.
What about you? Do you think about where you want to be in five years, ten years, and twenty years? Because if you don’t have a why the how will never be worth it to you.
Until next time,
Hope Frances
*PS – On a comical note, Rose’s chicken, Feather, was assumed to be a female from the beginning. We were so very certain that we placed a golf ball in her coop (which my dad made so the chicken could stay in the garage) to encourage egg laying. Unfortunately, when the chicken was close to full grown and started crowing every morning, we began to suspect that it was indeed a rooster and not a hen. This suspicion was later confirmed by the friend who gave it to us. Whoops! 😀
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