Standard Operating Procedure Examples
I was recently asked to create a booklet of standard operating procedures for my job at New Vision Engineering.
For those of you who are wondering what it looked like and what I did, I have included some snapshots and some reasoning behind the choices I made.
First, let me give you the definition of an SOP:
An SOP is a set of step by step instructions illustrating a specific process (basically, very detailed instructions).
Okay – back to the SOP template:
You can design your SOP any way you like, but keep in mind that simpler is better. The less going on in the background, the easier it is for users to follow the instructions.
For this design, I created a PowerPoint presentation and converted it into a PDF when I was finished. Notice the background is simple with just one logo and a page number, and the format is the same for all slides. This ensures consistency and keeps the user focused on the SOP.
The header text and the “How To” section remained in the same format throughout the entire document (except the beginning, pictured below), making it cleaner and easier for the user to understand.
Next, I added images. Always add images if at all possible. This gives the user some visual reference as to what you want them to do. In addition, notice the red arrows pointing to specific points in the screenshots I was referencing. This helps the user identify exactly which area of the screenshot I want them to pay attention to.
As an added bonus, I put some best practices tips in the beginning of the manual for quick reference. Finally, I created a table of contents so the user can easily find what they need to know.
In case you haven’t noticed, this is all about how we can make things easier and simpler for those who will be using the SOP.
As a rule, create something that is helpful, quick, and easy (but not sloppy!), and you will be successful!
To learn more about SOP’s, check out my other blog articles here: