The following are classes I took during the fall of 2017 to further my self directed education and learn more about the areas of marketing and SEO.
August 2017-September 2017 –
I took two classes in one month through Coursera:
What is Social?
What I learned from What is Social?: I learned that people respond better to social media campaigns when a community is involved. Costumers like to feel like they are a part of something, so making sure that the consumers feel important and involved is important to the success of a campaign. I was also introduced to a lot of social media managing platforms such as Hootsuite.
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
What I learned from Intro to SEO: I learned what SEO is, and how important it is – especially in the area of freelance writing. Creating valuable information that users can easily find and use is the key. I loved this course and found SEO to be rather fascinating.
June 2017-August 2017 –
And I took one class through Dakota County Technical College –
Microeconomics (ECON 1100)
What I learned from ECON 1100: I learned the ins and outs of supply and demand, and the different types of economic markets.