Free WordPress Blog Tutorial!
I am happy to finally publish my first free WordPress.com blog tutorial!
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do a free WordPress blog tutorial (how to set up a free blog, how to navigate the settings, how to make it look nice, etc).
Here’s why:
When I started my own blog in September, I really had no clue what I was doing. I think the only reason I figured out how to do it was because I took a class for PSEO that required me to create websites. And those were torture. I remember being extremely frustrated trying to figure out how to make my website look good for a grade.
Anyway, there aren’t any tutorials out there (that I know of) that show how to set up a blog for free. There are plenty of tutorials that show how to get hosting and buy a domain for the paid version, but those are irrelevant. The paid version of WordPress will normally always ask you to click on such and such setting to do such and such, but you don’t have access to that setting because you’re using the free version. 🙁
It was very annoying to me, so that’s why I created this tutorial! This is video one in a series of many videos (I’m not sure how many yet!) that will show you how to create a free blog on WordPress.com.
I knew that a lot of other people are in the same position I was in. They want a blog for just their family and friends, or something similar, but they have no idea what to do. So, I’m creating this video series to help them out and to gain experience in creating tutorials 🙂
In this video, users will learn how to:
- Create a WordPress account
- Set up their blog/website and make it go live
Enjoy! And stay tuned for future videos!
Until next time,
Hope Frances

Be Prepared ;)
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