Build A Firm Foundation
A few years ago, my parents custom built the house we live in now. I was very surprised at how fast the frame went up. In fact, the frame probably took about a third of the time that it took the builders to dig out the hole and lay the foundation.
Why do foundations always take so long?
Because that’s what our entire house is built on. If the foundation were to crack or give out in any way, we’d be in major trouble. The lesson? Getting the foundation right is extremely important when building a house.
As you may be aware, this doesn’t just apply to buildings. Take this simple scenario for example:
Over the past 4 months, one of my co-workers, Connor Chew, has created and perfected a new card game called “Cactus.” Another one of my co-workers, Elizabeth Beeli, has become a huge supporter and advocate as the popularity of this game has spread.
The game is rather fun, and can be played with 2 or more players. You can either play short one-off rounds or you can play tournament style.
However, when I came back to San Francisco after Christmas break, I realized I had mixed up one of the rules and therefore, taught my family back home to play the game incorrectly. (I also discovered at this time, that my co-workers’ Wiki article, outlining the proper rules of the game, had been rejected by Wikipedia).
Theoretically, how is this game ever going to spread worldwide if there’s no set standard of rules that everyone has access to, and can look to, for guidance? I have taught some people to do it the wrong way, so now everyone they teach will play it wrong, and from there, who knows where it’ll spread?
Now, this is a rather silly, and exaggerated (though still true), example, but bear with me.
In life, what happens when there’s no set standard way of doing something? It goes to disorder. This is precisely why we have laws. Whether or not we agree to them doesn’t matter – the point is that there’s a baseline that everyone can look to when they’re confused or unsure.
This is important in every human society – in family structures, big businesses, startups, countries, and
Another important factor – make sure every who is relevant knows what that foundation IS. Having a foundation does you absolutely NO GOOD if the right people are not aware of the standards.
So, make sure the bar is both
If you can’t establish a firm foundation or set of standards, and if those whom it impacts are not aware of them, I can promise you that any structure you build on top of it will fall when the storms come. Build your foundations on solid ground in every area of your life (personally, professionally, and spiritually), and you’ve just completed the most necessary step to a successful life.
Until next time,
Hope Frances
Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

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