How To Make Your Sales Team More Efficient
While I’ve never been a sales manager per say, I’ve been a customer support/engagement manager as well as a salesperson myself, and I happen to have strong opinions on the right, and wrong, ways to motivate and incentivize…
Forgiveness – A Story
In the past year as I’ve thought about different instances where I’ve had to forgive someone, it’s always come down to releasing the debt that the other person owes to me, to God.…
One of the Hardest & Most Fulfilling Things – Letting Go
I hold on for all anything is worth.…
Fractional Reserve Banking – Creating Cash Out Of Thin Air
I wrote this piece for Digifox a few months ago, and wanted to share it here.…
Single, Dating, Engaged, Married…In One Year
In one calendar year, I went from being single to married to the man of my dreams 🙂 After a few hours of meeting each other, Erik had messaged me on Groupme, and 5 days later he…
Burn Your Resume – The Degree Is Dead
As many of you probably know, I chose to opt out of college. …