Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2018! Okay…so I might be a little late…but hey, it’s my first post in 2018 so HAPPY OFFICIAL NEW YEAR from my blog 🙂 There’s something mental about starting a new year…I mean, life doesn’t…
Financial Fitness – Book Review
Recently, I finished reading Financial Fitness – The Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of Personal Finance for the second time.…
The Secret to Success
I’ve been listening to audios from Life Leadership and reading books such as Think and Grow Rich, and they all say the same things concerning the secret to success.…
Thank You!
LIFE MEMBERS RAISE OVER $800,000! This was possible because of all you wonderful people who donated, and the amazing LIFE Leadership Community‘s willingness to let God use them for the good 🙂 So, to all those who…
Personality Plus – Book Review
This blog post is my book review of Florence Littauer’s book, Personality Plus.…
The Importance of Reading to Children
Everyone knows it’s important to spend time with their kids, but spend time with them doing what? …
Eating Healthy on the Go!
Hey! So, I wrote this article for my job, and I decided to share it with you all here on my blog!…
Coconut Milk, Pomegranates, and 2 Secrets to Achieving Your Goals
So, for the last 4 weeks, I’ve been on what some would call a “cleanse.” …