90 Blog Posts?!
Well, according to my blog post count on my website, this is my 90th blog post! Not 90 in a row, but 90 in total. In honor of that, I thought I would do a blog post with reasons why you should start a blog.
1 – It’s FUN!
Being able to write and convey ideas in a non-restricted manner is so much fun! By non-restricted, I mean it’s not school related. You’re free to write about whatever you want to write about without worrying about class guidelines.
2 – It grows your writing ability and skills.
First, you’re publishing your writings, which makes you more likely to improve. However, what will better your writing the most is the repetition. Having a blog gives you a reason to write more often, and the more you write, the better you’ll get!
3 – It gives you a chance to express your thoughts more openly.
Obviously, there are certain things you ought not to post publicly (although there are settings which allow you to make your blog private). I’m talking more about book reviews, or observations you may have about life or life’s problems, or funny stories.
If you are thinking about starting a blog, here are some steps that I recommend:
First, decide what your blog will be about. I decided I wanted mine to be about me and my life experiences – what I learned, how I continue to learn, what I’m reading, what’s happening in my life (to a certain extent), and fun stuff 🙂
Second, watch my tutorials on how to set up a free blog (unless you want to set up a paid blog…but I don’t recommend that unless you really want to and find it absolutely necessary).
The hardest part is deciding what you want to write about, but I believe in you. You can do it, and I think you should! It’s awesome!
Until next time,
Hope Frances
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