5 Proven Methods to Survive PSEO
PSEO stands for Post Secondary Enrollment Option – I know. It’s a mouthful. It basically means free college while you are in high school, and you get double the high school credits. It counts for both high school and college – and when you’re in school, double dipping on classes like that is AWESOME.
But since it’s a college class, IT’S HARD, and DEMANDING! SO. MUCH. HOMEWORK!
I recently graduated high school, and I have decided to create this guide to my friends who have recently started PSEO (aka their junior year of high school for most people), and anyone who really cares to read and know from my experience. I’m assuming the things I’ve learned will apply to the working world as well. Hopefully, it will help.
So, here are the 5 proven methods to surviving PSEO:
METHOD #1: ALWAYS Have a Plan, and STICK TO IT!
Every week presents new challenges, new assignments, and new learning materials to be mastered. Every single week, figure out exactly what you are supposed to have read, listened to, and completed by the end of the specified week. Then, figure out which days you are the most busy. Maybe you play a sport or participate in an activity on some days of the week. Perhaps some days are heavier in classes than others. Those are the days that you want to leave for the lighter PSEO homework. Next, allot a certain portion of homework from each class to each day of the week. If allowed by your instructor, you can schedule some of your homework to be done on the weekend, but I wouldn’t advise doing so. The weekends are amazing, and it’s nice to have free time on those days before another week begins. Always, always, ALWAYS do this! If you don’t have a plan, success is much harder. Finally, after your plan is complete, FOLLOW IT. Don’t ignore it! You will have wasted precious time you spend planning, and there really isn’t a point to a plan if you don’t follow it anyway.
METHOD #2: NEVER Get Behind! Don’t Procrastinate. Manage Your Time!
Procrastination will KILL you in PSEO! Discipline yourself to get your work done FIRST THING! Trust me. I’ve spent enough late nights getting homework done that was due in 2 hours because I procrastinated. It’s NOT FUN. NOT AT ALL. So set an alarm clock, get up when it goes off, and do your work! Sleeping in will become your number one enemy. Getting up early creates a productive attitude. If desired, you can workout first thing and then shower. It makes one feel prepared for the day and makes it easier to be productive. Obviously, getting up early means going to bed earlier. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, do it! Go to bed at a reasonable time so that you can function in the morning. Proper sleep helps to make sure you don’t fall asleep on your history text book (which I’ve done…), so DO IT! This last point leads into method 3:
METHOD #3: Late Nights are NOT Always Worth It
I hate to say it, but staying up until about 1 or 2 in the morning to get homework done on any given day (usually the end of the week), is inevitable. Even if you are the best proactive homework doer in the world who never procrastinates, there WILL BE a project, or an assignment (or, you know, tons of the former) that take a lot longer than you anticipated, or that you are struggling to get just right. In these cases, there will be times when you find it absolutely necessary to stay up into the early morning hours finishing it. Again, a lot of these can be avoided if method 2 is followed, but some cannot. HOWEVER – Staying up super late to finish said project is not always worth it!!! MAKE SURE you can stay focused! When you can no longer function well and you’re falling asleep on your work, IT’S NO LONGER WORTH IT. If the project is not due at midnight, and you have another day to do it, do it tomorrow. Get a fresh start on it in the morning and work on it first thing until it’s done. Obviously, this only applies to projects that aren’t due in 2 hours. In those cases….Have fun staying up. I am truly sorry.
METHOD #4: Isolate Yourself and Eliminated ALL Distractions
DESTROY all distractions! Silence your phone, put it in your drawer, and only look at it during snack breaks and such. Commit to working on your homework for AT LEAST 2 hours in between checking your phone. I promise you will survive. One time I ignored my phone the entire day, and got all of my homework done incredibly fast. It’s amazing really. Although they are a huge distraction, phones are not alone. Do not take unnecessary snack breaks, and whenever possible, eat while continuing to work. Additionally, refrain from listening to music with lyrics. Unfortunately, unless the music is classical music or some other kind of music that doesn’t have lyrics, it will inevitably distract you. So wait until you’re done with your homework before listening to your favorite songs. If you CANNOT keep yourself from getting distracted, go to a coffee shop. Pack a few snacks or bring money to buy some, bring all your homework, and go. It’s way easier to get your work done at a coffee shop or some other place where you can be isolated from other people you know. ONLY bring productive things – like your homework – with you! Don’t bring your novel, or anything else that will distract you. Some of my most productive days were at co-op when all I had to do was my homework.
METHOD #5: Finish ALL Daily Work BEFORE You Hang Out With Friends and Family
This gives you motivation to get your work done faster (but not sloppier) so that you can do the things you enjoy. Sometimes you cannot finish your homework before a designated sports’ practice, but refrain from going out with everyone afterward if you still have work to do. I’m talking about the things you have more control over, like, inviting your friends over, going out with them, watching Netflix, reading your novel, baking cookies, or anything that can be a distraction. HOWEVER, all that being said, MAKE SURE you take time to hang out with your friends and family whenever possible after your work is done! Take time to unwind and have fun! If you don’t, you will be miserable for the entire semester. The main point though, is to try to stay stress free by making sure you take time to relax and do the things you enjoy. School is good for you, but not 24/7.
Well, there you have it. These are the things I tried to do last year and the year before. Hopefully they can apply to the working world as well. I think they can. Ultimately, put the big rocks in first, and the little ones will fit too.
Until next time,
Hope Frances
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