2018 in Review
As I reflect on this past year, I realize that I’ve had lots of life-changing experiences. I suppose that every year will bring life-changing challenges and adventures, but each experience will have its own level of influence on my life.
Here is my 2018 in review:
January 2018:

I joined LIFE Leadership and started my personal development/financial literacy/entrepreneurial journey! It’s been absolutely amazing and has helped me grow in so many ways. I love the community that has been created which has also become family, and I love the lessons I’ve learned (such as, do your best and let God do the rest).

I started Praxis! In January, I began my official Praxis journey and started creating a personal brand. I started this official website (as opposed to my free blog), created an elevator pitch video, and started documenting my projects. Looking back, I never would have imagined where I’d be a year from then!
February 2018:

I conducted a competitive set analysis – my personal project for Praxis Bootcamp! For about a month, I analyzed 5 different bakeries and evaluated them based off of a predetermined set of criteria. Once that was complete, I did a SWOT analysis of each one. See that project here!
March 2018:

In March, I blogged every single day! This really helped me grow as a writer and pushed me to be more creative. There are many pieces of writing on this blog that never would have been written if not for this challenge, and they are some of my most favorite posts I’ve written. Actually, I extended the challenge and wrote for 50 days – extending into April.
April 2018:

This marks the date of my very first paid modeling job! I honestly still don’t understand what the film was supposed to be about (although it was explained many times by lots of people…I don’t think anyone understood what was going on), but it was super fun. I got to dress up like a farm girl and do various things with 3 other girls, and it gave me some more experience in the industry.
June 2018:

After winning the OUR Push-Up Contest back in October of 2017, our team was awarded a free missions trip to Haiti, and I was voted to go. It was an incredible experience that truly changed my life! I would encourage you to take the opportunity to do something like it if you ever get the chance. Read more about my learnings from my trip here: Taking a Step, Itโll Change Your Life, Listen to His Voice, and 10 Things I Learned from My Missionsโ Trip to Haiti.
July 2018:
I received an offer to work for a company called EquitySim, and I accepted ๐
August 2018:

I organized and hosted my friend’s bridal shower! It was such a fun time and I enjoyed it so much ๐

This next one is a big one – I moved to California and started working for EquitySim! I will write more about how this experience has changed and grown me later, but let me just say it’s been incredibly life-changing and amazing – so many lessons learned and knowledge gained!
September 2018:

I turned 20 years old and had an excursion with a family friend in San Francisco! We went to a gelato place in Little Italy and Tony’s Pizza – SO GOOD! Also, the day of my birthday was a Friday, so all of my co-workers surprised me with cupcakes and decorations ๐
October 2018:

I was the personal attendant for our friends’ wedding – I had such a good time and the wedding was so beautiful (I cried)! The love Josh and Kimberly have for each other is so inspiring, but what’s even more inspiring is their love for God.
November 2018:
Flew back to Minnesota for Thanksgiving!
December 2018:
Flew back to Minnesota for an extended Christmas break (which I just returned from recently).
All things considered, 2018 was a great year! I learned a lot, and have grown so much (even in ways I can’t really see yet, but others have told me). I look forward to 2019, and all the amazing things I know it will bring ๐
Happy New Year everyone, love you all!
Until next time,
Hope Frances
Photo by Crazy nana on Unsplash

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